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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year for 2011

Happy New Years wishes to you all.

I have just finished teaching a 3 day workshop watching, beautiful 3 tier square mad hatters be created. I have just uploaded a new cake class video with filming of the class and my new cake studio.Yes it is finally up and running, with thanks to Logan Council.This is viewable on my cake classes page of my website.

I have some great news to share,

Laurel Edwards from the Great South East show filmed a baking cup cake class with me in my new cake studio with her filming crew, producer and my great supporting friends, we all  had a fantastic day of filming and you may see another class filmed later on next year! Laurel also loves to bake and I could tell from the minute she arrived in the class she was going to enjoy herself.They were only  scheduled to be here for a few hours but they ending up filming until 3pm and leaving with a goody box of cupcakes! no surprise there! The camera man was impressed with the cake studio and the lighting so you never know whats around the corner.I used to send dvd recordings of my cake decorating to my Mum and she said I should be on the tely with my cakes and I said to her what are the chances of that ever happening? So maybe she is organising a few things up there in heaven??????

My friends,Barb,Tiffanee, Jenny, and Jen were there to help me with the preparation the day before and I will always remember those days with great memories.The show will air sometime in April 2011 on a Sunday and it will be  cupcakes and bubbly  at my house and tv recording that afternoon of the show!

Christmas workshops at Logan Hyperdome library.

Just before Christmas  I taught 3 days of classes  with 2 days in a row at my local Hyperdome library.Both days had 2 classes the first being parent and children decorating cupcakes together and the second class Teenage cupcakes.
The attendees had to bring 4 cupcakes each and some had even got up early and baked beautiful cupcakes that morning.All the frostings and icings are provided by me and this year I decided to bring a Ronald McDonald"s House  collection box and I asked for  donations as I do not charge the libraries for any of the items and tools I provide  and I was pleased to see the collection box fill up at the end of the 2 days! so for those that attended well done and keep this beautiful creativity going.Thank you to Barbara  and my son Adam for assisting me on those days and for keeping the coffeeand the laughter  flowing!

The  2 teenager classes attendees, had there  names  placed in a raffle and Laurel  aged 16 who had just completed year 12 at Springwood High School, won the prize and attended a full days class baking cupcakes the following week with another group of eager cupcake bakers in my new cake studio.

There challenge this year was to bake 8 cupcakes, ganache cover with sugarpaste and they created a beautiful display of cupcakes on a decorated display board to take home.Beautiful results.

I was very pleased to have Waikay Lau photography attend a Childrens Christmas baking  class and photograph  the days events.His work can also be viewed at  and he also specialises in Weddings, portraits and event photography.

 His lovely wife Jen of A little slice of Heaven and children Ashley and Jordan were also enthusiastic participants of the class. I have attached a slide show of the photos and they capture the whole day and all the events from the beginning of the day to the end, some very beautiful photographs and the cast is not too bad too!There are over 500 shots so make yourself comfortable and be wowed at the photography!I may just use a few for my book!

The photos also include my very good friends,Tiffanee and her 3 boys,Zac, Jacob and Noah,
Jenny and her daughter Hannah, Michelle and daughters Amanda, Zoe, and son George, all available for commercials and films involving  yummy foods!

Happy New Year to you all.

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Lilac sugar roses stacked cake.

Lilac sugar roses stacked cake.

Black and white themed cake.

Black and white themed cake.

Gazebo fountain Wedding Cake

Gazebo fountain Wedding Cake

Pink and white theme sugar lily wedding cake.

Pink and white theme sugar lily wedding cake.

2 tier pilared square cake with red sugar roses.

2 tier pilared square cake with red sugar roses.

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Tiffany Cake 2 day workshop, beautiful work.

Tiffany Cake 2 day workshop, beautiful work.

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